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Hello there,

I have a special gift for you... . . . A tool you can use for your own evolution...

It's called Willingness

The will to move forward, to achieve, to overcome...

How willing are you to achieve your goals?

How WILLING are you to ACTUALLY go for your dreams?

How far are you prepared to go?

What are you prepared to invest?


Or maybe if your honest with yourself...

your not willing...

Not willing to try.

Not willing to commit.

Not willing to find you edges and push your limits.

Willingness is a powerful tool to fast track your dreams and desires and is something I have used for many years to achieve many goals, even when they seem soooo far out of reach.

When we are willing to take the steps required to achieve anything in life - when we say YES 100% and COMMIT to achieving the goal, even when we cannot see how it's going to come together, where the money is going to come from or how it would even be made possible, we are opening ourselves to work with the Universe in a very practical AND magickal way.

When we say YES, the universe meets us half way.

When we are WILLING the Universe meets us half way.

When we COMMIT, TRUST and PERSIST the Universe meets us half way.

When we show up completely, fully 100% in our willingness we are showing the Universe that we are READY, WILLING & ABLE and as a result, the Universe meets us half way and everything just seems to 'fall into place.'

Of course, there are practical steps (and no, you probably wont just get what you want by "meditating on it")...

You need to be practical and at the same time understand that you are Magickal. I'm sure you have had an experience where you have wanted to achieve something that seemed, too hard or too far away or too expensive, but you wanted it enough and you were willing enough, you made it happen.

This is the power of willingness at play.

There is nothing that can stand in the way of your will .

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