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Everything is birthed from a dream

Dreaming is an integral part of my creative process, not just in my art, but in all areas of my life.

As a visionary artist, I use my creative powers to foresee the future that I want to create; whether it be art, music, my creative business, my garden or the lifestyle that I want.

I often dream of a fantasy world or a place that is mystical and full of wonder...

But without action, dreams can simply remain dreams.

This feeling of excitement, curiosity and wonderment is what guides me to create.

I want to explore it, express it, embody it... it want to BE it.

I enjoy taking up time and space to dream in my hearts true desires.

I enjoy taking the time to sit, to be, to imagine, to fascinate and wonder over the possibilities of my own divine creative power.

I have spent countless days, months and years dreaming in my life, my art, my creative projects and my business...

Dreaming in who I wish to be tomorrow or right here and now in this moment.

I embody my creative spirit, I embody the life force I hold within, I embody the dreaming of my creative calling...

I am guided home to my heart of hearts through the fantasy of my dreams, now grounded in reality.

With Love,


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